Creating Custom Plots

The underlying architecture of DomainColoring is fairly straightforward. A shader function (a map from complex numbers to colors) is applied to the input function f applied to some grid.

The specification of this grid, the pixels option, the axis limiting and the interface with Plots and Makie are identical throughout DomainColoring and stem from the internal macro @shadedplot.

An example makes this clear. Let's say we want a plot where integer grid lines of the real part and the imaginary part in different colors. A shader implementing this could be:

using DomainColoring, Colors

function shader(w, realcol, imagcol)
    r, i = reim(w)
    c = weighted_color_mean(abs(sinpi(r))^.06, colorant"white", realcol)
    weighted_color_mean(abs(sinpi(i))^.06, c, imagcol)

Turning this into a plotting function is then as simple as:

import DomainColoring: @shadedplot

    (realcol = colorant"red", imagcol = colorant"blue"),
    w -> shader(w, realcol, imagcol))

This produces functions cgridplot and cgridplot!. Which give plots like:

using CairoMakie

cgridplot(z -> im*z^3-1, 2.5)